The Minister of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural Development and Water and Forests, Mr. Mohammed Sadiki, chaired, on Tuesday September 19, 2023, in Rabat, the opening of a scientific workshop to support the Sustainable Oases initiative. /strong>
This international meeting, co-organized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural Development and Water and Forests, with the National Agency for Area Development oases and argan trees, FAO and UNESCO, is part of the operationalization of the Sustainable Oases initiative. This initiative aims to safeguard and protect oasis agroecosystems and promote sustainable economic development in oases. The aim of the said workshop was to obtain an advisory opinion from high-level experts from various backgrounds, particularly in terms of integration into major international trends, sustainable management of agroecosystems and adaptation to climate change. Putting into perspective the current situation and the future of oasis ecosystems in the face of the effects of climate change, it aims to develop a scientific argument to plead in favor of the Sustainable Oases initiative at COP28, but also to develop and propose mechanisms for appropriate governance and cooperation for the implementation of the objectives of this initiative.
It should be noted that Morocco attaches particular importance to the development of oases within the framework of Generation Green strategy 2020-2030 , through the implementation of projects, development programs and structural measures for the development and sustainability of these vulnerable territories. In this context, the date palm sector, which covers an area of more than 60,000 hectares, has seen the planting of more than 3 million plants, the strengthening of hydro-agricultural infrastructure and the creation of several storage and packaging units dates at different oases. These plantations will be extended by 5 million plants, in addition to the development of traditional oases so that they resist constant constraints and pressures.
As a reminder, the Sustainable Oases initiative was launched by Morocco, in coordination and consultation with all partners, during the Climate Conference of the Parties, held in Marrakech in November 2016 (COP22). It aims for better recognition of the unique character and vulnerability of oases, the implementation of concerted actions to preserve oasis heritage throughout the world, in particular its biodiversity and its human system, as well as the development of its economic potential, in a sustainable development approach.