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Better recognition and characterization of oases.


Implementation of actions to preserve heritage



reasoned potentialities.

Oases agroecosystems will be resilient to climate change only if the equilibrium between their natural resources and humain communities is maintained. The sustainability of these areas depend largely on the proper use of the available water, soil and biodiversity. The Sustainable Oases Initiative aims at the development of an integrated strategy of sustainable management of the oases systems. It is also an initiative for better awareness raising and a mobilization of all the authorities concerned by the conservation, rehabilitation and socio-economic development of the oases regions. The initiative concretely aims at achieving three goals:


  • Better recognition and characterization of oases to highlight their vulnerability as well as their unique resilience abilities to climate change;


  • Implementation of adapted and appropriate solutions to protect the oases heritage in particular, its rich biodiversity, its ancestral know-how, its cultures and human system;


  • Reasoned valorization of natural potentialities of the oases systems in the perspective of sustainable development which integrates, in a balanced way, the economic, social and environmental dimensions.

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