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Recommendation for an international coalition to support the sustainable development of oases

On the sidelines of the 28th edition of the Conference of the Parties on Climate Change, a consultative meeting was organized on Saturday in Dubai, focused on "The governance of the Sustainable Oases Initiative", at the initiative of the National Agency for the development of oases. and Arkan and in cooperation with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, through which the participants recommended the creation of an international coalition to support the sustainable development of oases and face climate change . It also seeks to integrate programs and specializations among all parties concerned, and to create an international body which includes, in addition to a general gathering of all members of governmental and non-governmental bodies, international organizations and all parties interested in oases of various specifications, a board of directors, working groups and a general secretariat to ensure the daily work of this alliance.

They stressed that among the objectives of the hoped-for alliance are “supporting oases for sustainable development in order to cope with the effects of climate change; promote and encourage multidisciplinary research; exchange knowledge about oases; and mobilize funds for research. and the sustainable development of oases.

A press release from the aforementioned agency explains that after examining the content of the announcement of the launch of the “Sustainable Oases Initiative” during the 22nd edition of the Conference of the Parties on Climate in Marrakech and the efforts that were subsequently deployed to introduce and promote this initiative, initiative, and the proposals that were presented to activate it in order to move forward, the participants renewed, highlighting what was recommended by the scientific workshop held in the capital, Rabat, September 19 and 20, 2023, concerning this initiative, in particular by supporting the Sustainable Oasis Initiative with its three areas of intervention which are recognition, preservation and development.

It should be noted that this meeting was attended by representatives of the Agricultural Development Agency of the Moroccan Ministry of Agriculture, the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection and the International Center for the Study of Dry Zones , as well as representatives of non-governmental organizations. organizations.

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